

How I Store and Organize My Jewelry Collection

In 2015 I decided to launch a completely new line of jewelry. I had sold out of almost all of my stock from 2014 and before, so I took all the necklaces I had left, took them apart, and used the beads for new projects. With my creativity reinvigorated and a ton of beads in my studio, I started making loads of jewelry. Within the first few months of 2015 I had already made over 100 necklaces along with countless bracelets and earrings, and I was running out of room to keep it all. So needed to come up with a solution, and I ended up finding one that really worked for me.

My necklace and jewelry sets storage system.

I went to home depot and got three curtain rods. They're pretty generic, but since this is just for storage and not display I really didn't need anything special. With my brothers help, we hung them up in my room. The rods are 2 - 2.5 feet apart from each other.

I choose to organize my jewelry by color just because it's so much easier for me to find a specific piece when someone orders from my online shop or a customer goes to my Facebook page and comments on a picture, I can go straight to my wall and pull jewelry without having to sort through the hundreds of necklaces. I some times get friends of mine who want me to pull several pieces for them so they can come over and take a look and I find this system is the easiest and fastest way for me to stay organized and run my business smoothly.

Close up of the center rack.

To hang the jewelry from the rods easily, I bought shower curtain hooks from the local hardware store. I open them up and hang them on the rod, then hang the jewelry from the hooks. I leave the hooks open so I can very easily take the jewelry down if I have a sale or a show to go to.

What the shower curtain hooks look like opened, and hanging from the curtain rod with jewelry hooked to them.

I mentioned before that I organize my sets here too. All of my sets are based around a necklace. Sometimes the necklace comes with a bracelet or two, sometimes it comes with a pair of earrings, or sometimes it comes with both. To keep track of all of the pieces, I hang the bracelets from the necklaces, basically I open the clasp on the necklace, slide the bracelet/s onto the necklace and close the clasp and hang it up (I didn't get a picture of that). And for the earrings, I have a clear plastic bag hanging from the end of each rod. I just drop the earrings into the bag that hangs from the same rod as the necklace it goes with. 

Shots of the bags of earrings that hang from the end of each curtain rod.

So that's how I organize my products! Well, my necklaces and jewelry sets at least, I'll write a separate blog post about how I store bracelets and earrings soon. Of course if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact me!

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